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How can I use OI to improve contact center performance?
How can I use OI to improve contact center performance?

How to identify what call type and agents to focus your coaching effort on.

Andrew Cox avatar
Written by Andrew Cox
Updated over a month ago

Operative intelligence can help you understand the best customer contact driver to focus on to achieve a performance improvement for a metric of interest, which agents perform best at this metric and see who needs help or coaching.

Note: In this example we’ll use Average Handle Time, but the same process can be applied to any other metric we have data for in OI

First, let’s identify the top customer contact types which have a detrimental impact on handle time.

  • From the OI dashboard, click Metrics at the top of the page.

  • Select a time period you are interested in viewing data for. The page will default to the most recent three months of data available.

Tip: you can either select a time period on the left of the timeline, or select a specific date range using date pickers on the right

  • If your organization has multiple models being analyzed in OI, select the model (or models) to focus on.

  • In this example, we will select ‘Voice’.

  • The ‘Inquiries by metric’ page will show you all inquiries listed in descending order by Average Handle Time.

Tip: Keep in mind that as this shows all inquiries, the highest inquiry for the selected metric may low in volume.

Note: While 'Average Handle Time (seconds)' is the default metric shown, you can use the left or right arrows to scroll through other metrics.

  • In the left hand side panel menu, click the ‘Detailed view’ option.

  • The ‘Inquiry impact on Average Handle Time’ chart will show you a list of which inquiries have the largest impact on handle time, factoring in both the average metric and the volume of interactions.

Here we cans see the two inquiries with the largest impact on handle time are:

  • Discount code or offer isn’t working, and

  • You canceled my order

  • If you hover over a bar in this chart you will see the ‘Impact of this inquiry on Avg Handle Time’.

Note: This figure is the overall impact to average handle time that inquiry has.

For example: ‘Discount code or offer isn’t working’ in the example below drags up the overall AHT for all interactions by 10 seconds, factoring in the average for this inquiry and the volume for this inquiry. This would be a good call type to focus on improving performance for.

Tip: If you are interested in focussing on a particular team within the contact center, you can use the Org Structure filter to look at the data for that team only.

Now that we know what inquiry to focus on, let’s work out how to identify who we could focus on coaching on this call type or who handles this call type best.

  • Click ‘OI’ at the top of the page to return to the dashboard.

  • From here, click Performance at the top of the page.

  • Click 'Show me how' underneath ‘Approach two: Review agent performance by metric’

  • By default this chart will show performance for all agents in the organization sorted by order of performance against the metric.

  • Here we can apply a filter for the team or agents we are interested in and apply a filter for the inquiry we are interested in.

Tip: you can start typing the name of the inquiry to search the list of options.

  • Now we can see that the agents ‘Laurel, Brent and Laura’ have the highest average handle time for this call type within our team.

  • If you hover over their bars in the chart we can see that while ‘Brent’ has the second highest AHT for this call type, there are only four interactions for him in the dataset, so we will exclude Brent, and focus on Laurel and Laura.

  • Laurel and Laura both have a decent amount of observations. So we could safely say that they would be good agents to provide coaching on for this call type.

  • If we scroll to the bottom of the list we can see that James, Emily and Mimi are our three agents with the lowest handle time for this call type.

To recap, we now know that:

  • For our team, the call type which impacts AHT the most is ‘Discount code or offer isn’t working’

  • The agents Laurel and Laura would likely be the best candidates for coaching on this call type

  • The agents James, Emily and Mimi have the lowest AHT for this call type.

With this information, examples of options we could take are:

  • Pair up Laurel or Laura with James, Emily or Mimi to observe how they handle the calls to see how they could handle it more efficiently

  • Observe what James, Emily and Mimi are doing differently and coach Laurel and Laura on this

  • Conduct a workshop with the better performing agents where we map out the process they are following for this call type and train the other agents to follow the same process.

Note: the same process could be followed for a different metric by repeating what we have done in this article from the start, but selecting a different metric using the filters

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