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Agent performance and coaching plans

This article shows how to navigate the agent login pages and how to build and track coaching plans in OI

Andrew Cox avatar
Written by Andrew Cox
Updated over 2 months ago

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Agent performance

Contact center agents can login to OI to view their own performance by inquiry and create and track progress to coaching plans.

By default the agent performance pages show data for the past 3 months of available interactions.

Performance on these pages is measured by impact on your Agent Effectiveness Score which is a product of Average Handle Time, Predicted Satisfaction and Predicted Resolution.

The aim of this metric is to provide a more balanced performance metric than using handle time alone.

Note: When interpreting Agent Effectiveness Score a lower score is better (similar to AHT).

Select a model

When you login first select a model at the top of the screen you are interested in viewing performance for.

Note that you may only have one model with data available or may have multiple to select from.

Example: If you handle voice and chat interactions you should see both as options.

Top performing inquiries and Inquiries to work on

First you’ll see the three inquiries which have the most positive effect on your Agent Effectiveness Score - that is the inquiries which bring your score down the most.

You can see the average score for you, your team and the top agent for each inquiry.

‘Your agent effectiveness score’ will have an indication of where your performance is compared to all other agents:

  • ‘Great’ = You are in the top quartile of performers for this inquiry.

  • ‘Good’ = You are in the middle two quartiles of performers for this inquiry (you’re close to the average).

  • ‘Needs work’ = You are in the bottom quartile of performers for this inquiry.

You can also see how you compare to your team specifically and to the top performing agent for the inquiry.

If you click on ‘Inquiries to work on’ you’ll see the three inquiries which have the most negative effect on your Agent Effectiveness Score - that is the inquiries which bring your score up the most.

Explore your performance across all inquiries

Want to know your performance overall, not just for your top and bottom performing inquiries?

This section of the agent performance page will show you your overall performance for any of the main metrics in OI (Agent Effectiveness Score, Average handle time, Average predicted resolution, Average predicted satisfaction).

By default this section will show your performance for the past three months. You can select a custom date range or click to view performance for the past month, week or 24 hours of available data. Depending on your integration or CCaaS provider there may be a delay in how recent the available data is.

Initially you’ll see your performance ranked by volume you’ve handled for each inquiry. You can click on a metric to sort by performance high to low or low to high.

Note: For email channels we don’t have Predicted Resolution or Satisfaction as these metrics cannot be reliably predicted for the inbound portion of emails which is used for classification.

View details for an inquiry

From the top performing inquiries or inquiries to work on, click ‘View details’ to see more information about the performance for an inquiry.

You’ll see a breakdown of your performance for each metric specific to the inquiry and which metric OI recommends you should focus on to improve your effectiveness for the inquiry.

Each metric will have an indication of where your performance is compared to all other agents:

  • ‘Great’ = You are in the top quartile of performers for this inquiry.

  • ‘Good’ = You are in the middle two quartiles of performers for this inquiry (you’re close to the average).

  • ‘Needs work’ = You are in the bottom quartile of performers for this inquiry.

Click ‘Show more details’ for more information about how your performance compares to your team average and the top performer for the inquiry.

You can also view some examples of recent interactions you have handled for this inquiry type.

To view more information about a specific interaction, expand the details using the icon to the right of the interaction.

Build a coaching plan in OI

OI enables you to build and track progress to a coaching plan for a specific inquiry type and metric.

To start a coaching plan, go to the inquiry details page and click ‘Let’s build a coaching plan’.

The coaching plan wizard will then step you through the process of setting a goal and listing what support you need to achieve it.

  • First select a metric to focus on for this inquiry, then click ‘Continue’. OI will select the recommended metric to work on for this inquiry, however you can change this if desired.

  • Select a target to improve the metric by between 5-50%. We recommend starting with a small improvement at first (5-10%). OI will show you the target score for the metric based on your entry.

  • Set a date you think you can realistically achieve this goal by.

    We would recommend a minimum of 2 weeks and maximum of 3 months, however you can select any future date.

  • Next you have the option to review some interactions for the selected inquiry where the performance was poor based on the metric you’ve selected to focus on in this coaching plan. After reviewing a few interactions, click ‘Continue’. The aim of this step is to help you think of some actions you can take to work on this inquiry.

  • Enter at least 1 and up to 3 actions you can think of to work on improving your selected metric for this inquiry. This can be anything you think will help you achieve your goal.

  • Pick at least 1 and up to 3 things that you would like assistance with to help you achieve your goal. These should be actions you think a coach, team leader or supervisor could help you with. You can choose items from the list on the left or enter your own ideas.

  • Review the summary of your coaching plan and click ‘I commit to this plan!’ to start the coaching plan tracking.

The coaching plan is now active and will appear in your list of ‘In progress’ coaching plans.

View your coaching plans

From the home page, click 'View my coaching plans' near the top right of the page.

Click ‘View details’ at any time to view the coaching plan and track your progress.

Active coaching plans will be updated each day to show your progress towards your goal.


The 'Start' value for your metric in the coaching plan is your average score for selected inquiry over the 3 months leading up to the date your coaching plan commenced.

The 'Now' value for your metric in the coaching plan is your average score for selected inquiry over the 20 most recent interactions for this inquiry.

Optional: When you have completed the actions to help you towards your goal you can mark them as done by clicking the checkbox in a coaching plan.

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