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Root Causes overview

Details of the Root causes overview page

Andrew Cox avatar
Written by Andrew Cox
Updated over 2 years ago

What is a ‘Root cause’?

Root cause is the highest level aggregate group of classifications for customer demand at OI.

'Root cause' here means the underlying reason for making contact with the organization, not necessarily the underlying issue. Think of this as the antithesis of the interaction: if this didn’t happen, the customer would not have needed to contact you.

To access the Root Causes overview page:

  • Go to the OI dashboard (get to the dashboard from any page by clicking the “OI” icon in the top right corner of any page)

  • Click ‘Root causes’ at the top of the dashboard

Root causes overview shows the customer demand root causes for your organization ranked by volume in descending (high to low) order from left to right.

By default this page will show:

  • Date range filtered to the most recent 3 months that data is available for

  • All models (if your organization has more than one)

  • Summarized view

Click on a root cause to drill down to the single root cause page. This will show you the breakdown of inquiries within that root cause. You can then click on an inquiry to take you to the breakdown of sub inquiries within that inquiry.

Dig deeper into the Root causes overview page

Root causes overview - detailed view

From the overview page you can switch between the summarized and detailed view using the toggle in the side menu on the left of the screen.

The detailed view will provide the following information:

  • Top / Bottom root causes

  • All root causes

  • Root causes over time

  • Root causes by queue

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